Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today is a Void Day

I've had a job since Monday, ... it's alright. Today is one of those days ... perhaps you know the type, I just feel like doing nothing, and nothing seems to make me that happy. I get these days every now and then and I'm not sure what causes them, so I take them as sort of void days. Today at work I had an accident with an office chair and I bent my right index fingernail back. This created a line that went width wise across the nail, it also almost broke it off. So now one of my prime guitar playing fingernail's is extremely week, and if it breaks, it will take a few weeks to get back to where it is. So I put superglue along the weak spot in hopes of strengthening it. Also, it seems today I have a lot of musical ideas in my head, but because I'm not really feeling energized, I'm worried they will be a waste ... maybe later tonight I'll get some energy ... I think I need a Pepsi lime.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Clouds are Making my Chamomile Plant Die

A lot has changed for me it seems in the alst few days. For this post I just want to show you a picture I took up at my cottage recently that I'm a fan of. I think it fits the early fall feeling.

Please do not use this picture without permission.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


That's the title, just plain "Music", it'll be alright.

So anyways, if you know me, you will know this ... people piss me off most of the time, and I've come to realize this more and more with respect to music. Music, we hear it all the time, and truthfully we don't even have to think about it and we know its there. The melodies, the emotions, the dynamics, all these things we process, hear and understand. We don't even need to be conscious of doing so. This in turn leads to two problems (in my opinion); 1, people assume that music is just as simple to create, break down, and truly understand it, as it is to listen and unconsciously feel it; 2, other "musicians" take the fact that people aren't really "listening" and exploit this by making uncreative, familiar sounding, music that people unintentionally enjoy (whether they are doing this on purpose, or they are just ignorant themselves is unknown). I'm going to talk about point 1 for now, I may talk about point 2 in the future, but until then, just turn on your radio go to the first pop or rock station you find and actually listen (hear the sometimes horribly awful lyrics and the uncreative I-IV-I-V chord structure).

Alright here we go, problem 1, ... and I'm going to try my best to express my thoughts without sounding like a pretentious bastard (I'm really trying not to). Music at its best can take multiple forms, one is when it sounds so simple that it's perfect. These cases give people the thought that it's easy to make good sounding music, ... so they go out and buy a guitar. They then pick it up, and grab a pick (because this is all they know), and strum the fuck out of it, but then it hits them ... "Holy Crap! ... I can not keep a decent rhythm at all, it sounds like a giraffe falling down the stairs." ... and then this ... "I tried to change the chord but my fingers kept hitting other strings, and if one finger is on the wrong string or in the wrong place it sounds like disgusting garbage." All of this is true [1], and these examples are besides the point, I just wrote it out because I'm on a ranting streak. [2]

Starting my point again. Think about taking music at a university, what do you think of? You probably think of a group of well dressed lads and wo-lads playing violin, viola, cello etc, to Summer by Vivaldi (you know, the song they play when ever you see a university on T.V.). Is that as far as you go? I think most people stop there and go "Sweet! I love that song." and then start thinking about partying after the song is over, "Man what a sweet day, we played that song for about 8 minutes and then I nailed a chick, lets party!" Forget the difficulties of playing that song and focus on comprehending that song, and possibly writing songs like that. The theory knowledge you need to know is enormous! Chord progressions, melody making, voice leading, chord structures, and on and on, those were baby examples. When talking to people about these things I get the impression that they think music courses are just listening to examples and telling people how you feel, and then picking up your axe and strumming a C chord just long enough for your prof to write down A+. Music is not easy to understand, and it's difficult to make it sound simple, just as much as it's difficult to make it sound complex. But within all of this there is so much room to be creative, and inventive. It is possible to express your feelings and ideas to other people, but it takes time and work. All of it fascinates me, makes me want to understand it more, be creative, try new ideas, and make music.

The moral is, if you don't know the answer to, and don't care about, this question: "The key of F# has ______ sharps, and they are _,_,_,_,_,_." then you shouldn't be taking music in university.

[1]: I am in no way saying people shouldn't think this way and go get an instrument. It's a perfect way for people to begin to understand and have fun. Music makes you smarter.

[2]: I love you karma.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

On Doing an Evil Deed Blues

OH MAN! I am still sick with this cold ... it is awful. My nose will not stop running, my head feels likes it's swimming, I just feel like crap ... but alas, I said I would upload a song today and here it is. I recorded it earlier tonight.

On doing an evil deed blues is a song written by John Fahey and can be found on his album titled "The Legend of Blind Joe Death". John Fahey is a big influence to me and my music. He plays the song perfectly on an acoustic guitar, because I just made my electric guitar playable I figured it would sound pretty sweet on that with a bit of distortion. I have played around with the song before, but it is a completely different state of mind to record it so I had to kinda relearn it. Also, I improvised about 40% of it because it's that kind of song. I hope it sounds good and the haziness of my cold does not show through. I think its pretty neat but could have been tighter. The song can be found in the "My Music" section to the right, or the link below.

... I am really not in a song writing / recording mood, but I forced myself. I think I need to have at least 1 song a week.

So enjoy, On Doing an Evil Deed Blues (a John Fahey cover).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

An Experiment

I should probably mention this (though if you've been here before you would have already noticed), as an experiment I've added some advertising on to the blog. I accidentally signed up for it by pressing a button I shouldn't have, but then I decided to try it out anyways. The ads are designed to reflect what my blog is about, which I thought was a cool idea, and when they were added I was surprised at how well it worked. If you notice (although they change often) they are are about guitaring.

Today I'm feeling a bit better all around. I made plans to jam with my cousin soon, I think I'll add some audio from the session afterwards.

Monday, September 18, 2006

It's Hard to Sleep with a Fever

The planet earth documentary is on again tonight at 8:00! You should watch. It's on caves, the least explored place on earth. Should be great.

I'm still feeling too sick to re-record that song, so instead I feel like ranting about highway driving, merging on to a highway in particular. In driving school they tell you about this, though I think few actually listen. So here's how it goes, ... you enter the on-ramp, start accelerating, note the yellow speed limit sign and the fact that yellow means suggested so forget it! Basically go as fast as you can while still being safe, ... when that on-ramp straightens up, no matter how many cars are on the highway, and how many cars are in the right lane (assuming normal traffic speed), slam that pedal to the floor! Accelerate as fast as possible! The reason is, you want to merge on to the highway at the same speed as the cars already on the highway. Too many times do I see people merging onto the highway going 80, 60 even! People on the highway should not have to go into the middle lane so that others can merge onto the highway, if you are at the proper speed it is very easy to merge. ... the other side of this is that if you are in the right lane and someone is merging work with them so that they can get onto the highway, do not race them, do not go with the mentality that they can work it out for themselves.

I feel like I should post an update on my current music plans. I'm just working with ideas right now because I am currently low on the equipment I need, ... and it's my own fault. First off I took my electric guitar apart. I am upgrading it, but it's currently not working. I also want to pick up a new acoustic more suited to my style, though finding it somewhere is very difficult. Both these situations require that I get a job, ... and I'm working on that. ... I'm also going to try to convince my friend to let me borrow some of his drum kit hes storing ... and then needing to fit that in my room.

I just want to add something. Today I tried to call a company, that I applied to a few weeks back, to see if there was an update about the co-op and I was told by the front desk: "I will not transfer your call to HR because they will not take it."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Few Things...

1. That documentary on CBC was amazing! and it's on again tomorrow! WATCH!

2. 85% Dark chocolate is just a bit too dark.

3. What happened to aspartame free fruit flavoured sparkling water?

Friday, September 15, 2006

ON HOLD!!! (Hope for the Unemployed?)

UPDATE!: Last night I was listening to the recording and something didn't sound right with the vocals, so this morning (Saturday) I woke up and found the reason. I have a cold ... and I kinda sound plugged up, also I think my ear is off. ... either way I deleted the track and will post again on monday and it will hopefully be better. Sorry!

Back to the friday update:

Today has been a crummy day, but I said to myself this morning that I would post a new song today. So here it is! It's an idea I've been playing with in my head, so I wrote some words out and took a few tries recording it. I wanted the next song uploaded to have some lyrics so I kinda forced myself. The name of the song is alright, ... if someone can think of a more suitable name I'd love to hear it.

Right now outside someone is listening to a poka opera really loud! and it's echoing down the street, it's so haunting and creepy ... maybe I should record it!

But anyways, here it is again!

Hope for the Unemployed

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Getting my Move On!

Today I had a co-op interview for the city. I got to their dark crummy office, had a quick interview where 80% of it was the guy showing me a program they use, and then he told me they need someone to go through this, THUD!, an enormously thick binder of the words "TRUE" and "FALSE" many many times, on many many pages; and then correct these old drawings, THUD! Basically, read this PLC language code and change all the symbols on the old drawings to reflect the new "TRUE" and "FALSE" statements. If that wasn't crappy enough they try and tempt me with an average pay of someone in there 2nd -3rd co-op not 5th were I am. The only good news out of the whole ordeal was that they can't get back to me about whether or not I have the job until next week, ... so if things start working out for me, I have till they contact me to find a better job. ... it doesn't help that there are no more job postings and all the jobs I applied to in the last 2 weeks are unresponsive. ... guess it's time to start knocking at some doors.

This Sunday (and possibly Friday and Saturday) I want to watch this. Its this documentary about our planet, ... earth (if you've forgotten). I keep forgetting it's on, so I'm hoping to remember on Sunday.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Taking a Spill on my Bike

Last weekend was long and it felt as if my birthday was stretched out for much longer than it should (Saturday to Tuesday), but I appreciate everything, it was great and I'm happy. I got some tools to help with the acoustic guitar I am building, and a bunch of money to pay off some bills and to save towards the new guitar I'm planning on getting, aswell as a bunch of other great things (awesome T-shirt from I'm still unemployed and confused. Last Friday I received a call about an immediate opening for a co-op job, I thought it sounded great so I sent my information, but I still haven't heard anything! For an immediate opening this doesn't make sense.

Anyways ... I want to talk about some older movies that I've watched:

Last Friday I watched some classic movie on the CBC (I forget the name), and really enjoyed the dialogue between the main character's (male and female). This type of dialogue, I find, shows up in a lot of the classics. The male character is always joking and can be very critical of everything, in his joking way. The best part of it is how the female character takes it, she understands his style and will just kinda laugh or will play off it. Now the BEST best part of it is how this style can lead to some amazing puns! Puns happening so quickly that if you are not careful you will miss. ... there is a problem with this type of dialogue too though. The main character can come off as a cynical asshole, even though he's not really trying too, especially judged on conversation today. I was watching this movie with my sister and although I was laughing I think she thought he was a bit of a jerk. I've been watching lots of these classic movies and I think they are really interesting, if you see a classic on T.V. watch it for a few minutes before deciding on something else. ... But anyways, I feel that lots of time I will talk like the male characters and probably can come off as an ass, I'm not trying to be ... sorry square.

I went to see M. Ward Monday night. It was great! He played for a hour of his more energetic full band electric guitar-ish music, which was amazing live. Then he came out for an encore and played another 30min of his solo acoustic guitar music, which is what I came to see, so I was satisfied. Then he played a second encore with a fantastic song to close on. All-in-all great show. I had a decent view of the stage and was able to watch his right hand enough to see what he was up to. A great advantage to seeing such amazing guitar players like M. Ward and Leo Kottke live is being able to take away some information about different playing styles, which I have and that I believe help me in developing my style.

... Finally on this rainy day in September, I'm listening to Bryter Layter by Nick Drake and it's very fitting. If you have time, read a short biography of him on Wikipedia, its really fascinating and a bit depressing.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Happy Birthday ...

to me!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Speck

Today as I messed around on piano I began developing this new idea. I could hear the chord changes in my head and wanted to get them to my fingers, once that was done a melody began to just form. The whole thing has a strange timing to it, but comes together really well, sounds a lot easier than it is. I picked up my guitar and modified it to fit. I've been trying to use this style of guitaring that I developed, but nothing I wrote fit it ... UNTIL NOW! Its a rhythmic playing style while still getting chords and single notes out (when I post something similar it will make more sense). The best part of all is that lyrics fit the song so well, unlike "Country Roads".

... So I'm waiting to see if my muse will come by and help inspire me to write some lyrics that fit the song, I think I need to let the song swim around my head for a bit.

I truly think that this is the first thing I've written, that will have lyrics, that just comes together perfectly. I'm excited to see what happens next.

My birthday is coming up on the weekend, so for the next few days I might not be able to update.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Country Roads

I took a good part of today turning this musical idea I came up with on the weekend, into a complete song and then recording it. The actual writing of the song took much less time than the recording of it.

The song is called Country Roads and you can hear it by going to the "My Music" section and following the link (no downloading required). The song is a bouncey solo fingerstyle piece done on my 12-string guitar.

Because I wrote it today and then tried to perform it flawlessly to record it, I think its safe to say (although I am quite proud with it), given some time to work it over I could clean the performance up a bit. My brain has not yet processed the technique [1].

I am proud of the recording and the song.

[1]: I believe that while you sleep your brain kinda re-wires difficult concepts and techniques tried that day, and makes them easier to understand and accomplish. I like to try to learn new difficult rythms and patterns on guitar to the point of complete frustration, then I sleep on the idea and then see how I'm doing in the morning, ... and then do the whole cycle again until I've mastered it.

Dusty Horses

There is one song available in the "My Music" section. It's called "Dusty Horses". I wrote it quickly a while ago as kind of a lark for my girlfriend. Its fun.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Start

Currently I am unemployed.

A few weeks ago I finished a summer term and am now looking for a co-op job for the fall. This won't be my first co-op placement, in fact I've had several, and because of this I have quite a bit of experience. Finding a co-op job shouldn't be that hard, but for this fall term I didn't really go looking, this is because; I originally found a place that would be amazing, but due to poor timing they already had a co-op student; also, I am loosing interest in my field and want to focus my time on other things. Recently I have realized that the best thing for me right now is to get a easy co-op job that takes the minimal amount of my time because ... I need the money.

I've learned how fast my time disappears.

I have 4 months until my school term starts again. During these months I plan on writing and finishing a lot of music, and then to create a demo that I will try to promote to small indie record labels. I've been writing and recording music just as a hobby for a long long time, but now I am taking it seriously and seeing what I can accomplish. I will be updating this blog with my progress, trials and tribulations of this accomplishment; along with whatever pops into my head and I feel I need to get out.

As I work on my music I will post samples in the "My Music" section.

Note: The "My Music" section is somewhat working.

... Go watch "Lover Come Back" starring Doris Day and realize how awful people were in the 50's.

Also, this is where I will be depositing pictures used on the site: