Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Country Roads

I took a good part of today turning this musical idea I came up with on the weekend, into a complete song and then recording it. The actual writing of the song took much less time than the recording of it.

The song is called Country Roads and you can hear it by going to the "My Music" section and following the link (no downloading required). The song is a bouncey solo fingerstyle piece done on my 12-string guitar.

Because I wrote it today and then tried to perform it flawlessly to record it, I think its safe to say (although I am quite proud with it), given some time to work it over I could clean the performance up a bit. My brain has not yet processed the technique [1].

I am proud of the recording and the song.

[1]: I believe that while you sleep your brain kinda re-wires difficult concepts and techniques tried that day, and makes them easier to understand and accomplish. I like to try to learn new difficult rythms and patterns on guitar to the point of complete frustration, then I sleep on the idea and then see how I'm doing in the morning, ... and then do the whole cycle again until I've mastered it.


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