Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Start

Currently I am unemployed.

A few weeks ago I finished a summer term and am now looking for a co-op job for the fall. This won't be my first co-op placement, in fact I've had several, and because of this I have quite a bit of experience. Finding a co-op job shouldn't be that hard, but for this fall term I didn't really go looking, this is because; I originally found a place that would be amazing, but due to poor timing they already had a co-op student; also, I am loosing interest in my field and want to focus my time on other things. Recently I have realized that the best thing for me right now is to get a easy co-op job that takes the minimal amount of my time because ... I need the money.

I've learned how fast my time disappears.

I have 4 months until my school term starts again. During these months I plan on writing and finishing a lot of music, and then to create a demo that I will try to promote to small indie record labels. I've been writing and recording music just as a hobby for a long long time, but now I am taking it seriously and seeing what I can accomplish. I will be updating this blog with my progress, trials and tribulations of this accomplishment; along with whatever pops into my head and I feel I need to get out.

As I work on my music I will post samples in the "My Music" section.

Note: The "My Music" section is somewhat working.

... Go watch "Lover Come Back" starring Doris Day and realize how awful people were in the 50's.

Also, this is where I will be depositing pictures used on the site:


Blogger Unknown said...

hope you will get your co-op job..

12:47 AM  
Blogger Simon Stewart said...

Thanks me too, I'll see what tomorrow brings.

1:28 AM  

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