Sunday, April 29, 2007

Guitar and Banjo #1

I worked on recording a new song, but it kinda got thrown together at the end, so I'm not truly happy with it. The idea I was going for definitely came across, but there are places where I wish it would have gone differently, and small mistakes ... banjo goes out of tune at one point. Anyways, I made sure I had something new to post because I said that I would.

So here it is! Guitar and Banjo #1, you can hear it by clicking here, or by going to the big "My Music" icon on the right.

Guitar and Banjo #1, ... hmmm, either I'm too lazy to think of a real name for it, or maybe there are going to be more similar ... or maybe both.

... first day of my new co-op job starts tomorrow, not really looking forward to that.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


It's been almost a month since I've last blogged. It started off as me getting sick and now having anything to post, and then went into a difficult exam period which took all of my time until now. During that time I worked on a few songs and finally have some time to record them and get them up here. ... so very soon I will be posting some music.

If you are still checking my blog after that big gap, thanks! and it is back to normal operation.